Bukom Banku: Bastie is a wicked, he hit me 'plentey', he no know play. A fight is a boxing not a killing. Elu waa.
NA: how is your eyes
Banku: the left one is not see proper.
Now korlebu doctor use gas oxygenated oxygen for my eyes inside before my eyes can hear
NA: what caused your defeat?
Banku: I no like Mahama again, his defeat fall on me.
NA:what will be your next move when you recover fully
Banku: I will sue Bastie for attempting to murder me. He is a murderer a killer who no no play. Boxing is a game not murder.
NA:but that is what you also did to your opponents like Ayittey powers
Banku: Noo Bastie beaten me like his children's.
NA: will you consider a rematch
Banku: please has your questions finished.
NA: thank you for your time
Banku: thank you thank you but my fans should pray for me because blood pressure is coming from all my holes.
I have never liked any sports that involve beating someone let it be boxing or wrestling or etc. It is absolutely pointless to beat someone for a game.