Sometimes you know you are working hard to achieve something but the success is still not coming, The work people are doing to survive in life are the same you
are doing but things keep falling, the business your neighbours are doing to achieve their target, when you go into that same business you run at a loss, when you go into the business you think now your life is coming to change then everything you had already beginning to collapse. How do you manage all these problems?
How many times have you not heard people you are older than, questioning the slow move of your success? As if you are useless.
How many times you've not been insulted by your own people, using the young once you've started life and business before them or working many years before they start their own life success to judge you?

In life, the most painful thing is that, people you think positive for, people you always pray for, people you wish to die for their challenges, people that you carry their pains in your heart, people you fought and defend them at their back, people because of them you have gained more enemies, people you think they can carry part of your challenges at this situation you can not control it, people you think they can be like your underwear that covers your secret, people you think they can stand for you and console you, will be the first to judge you wrongly, to make people believe that you are truly guilty of the challenges you are going through, they will make people who will understand you believe you deliberately cause the problems for yourself, when you go through this be careful you will not speak evil.
There is a saying, The problem you have, somebody's own is bigger than yours.
It is false, totally false. There is no problem bigger than the other, the problem is big when you don't have a solution to solve it. And if you have a solution to your problem then you don't call it a problem because it is not a problem but it's a challenge.
Somebody has married over five years still not get the child not even miscarriage, people around her laugh at her and her in-laws are on her neck.
A woman is in her 40 years of age still not get a man to marry her and she is still ageing her colleagues who married are laughing at her and her enemies are calling her names.
Somebody is having a financial difficulties, his/her landlord has given him the last 7 days to relocate or he will expel him/her force, She or he don't have money to rent a room and nowhere to go too.
Somebody's business has collapsed, he owes his suppliers, the loan he lends the banks are chasing him, the utility bills have calculated, his children's fees have come, his creditors are treating him with the police and much more. How do you manage these problems?
When you are in these problems you will force to be a talkative, nagging and always trying to elucidate your problem for people to believe you or to see you are suffering internally but please be very careful because people you are explaining your problems and difficulties to are those going to worsen your problem, but will rather spread it.
The sad thing is that somebody you believe he/she can wipe your tears, when you tell him your problems, she/he will allow you to speak out all your problems and then tells you he can not help you meanwhile he/she can help but he will refuse to help you and spread your challenges to your enemies.
And during that time, the one who can help are even broke than you, and also the people feeling bad for your problems. Be careful you don't share too much of your problems with people you can not guarantee the trust you have in them.
During difficulties, lovers refuse to get closer with you including the man or woman you are going out with not all of them but the majority. Some will give an excuse to reject you like throwing saliva away, don't worry God (Allah) is there.
From there you will see yourself as true religious believer, you worship God, praying and fast but the answer will not come, you will feel that God has abandon you because the time you was chasing men and woman things were better but why now I have changed, knowing God for the past three years things are bad? God (Allah) want to wash all your sin away and give you a better life.
In difficult times, you become desperate, you believe every single thing that sounds little good in your ears, especially when you are in business crisis, you can use the remaining money you have to enter in 20 businesses in a month but none will take you to the best you want, and that will collapse your life forever.
In this challenges go to your knees cry, pray and fast to God to intervene your problems, take the words of your critics as an advise, always be with the people who can put smile in face, Don't listen to a song that remind you of your pains, when somebody try to provoke you don't talk, try to do excise, stop the argument that can remind you of your pains and try to relax.
Part 1
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